Viewing a Timeline
- Zoom in or out on a time span of a timeline using the zoom slider. The events on the timeline will shift up and down and more or less will be seen on your screen based on the zoom level, which can get as granular as an exact date.
- View more events by either adjusting the zoom level by clicking or tapping on the plus or minus buttons on the zoom slider or by using the up, down, left, and right arrows.
- View all information associated with any event, including the short description, notes, and associated media, by clicking or tapping anywhere on it.
- Select the Switch View option near the top right of the page to view your timeline in Print View. Click or tap on any event to view additional images or to edit the event. Print your timeline from this screen with or without media by selecting the Print button at the top right of the timeline.
| ![screenshot](../assets/2-view.jpg)