
Allow access to One Drive for all users

World Book Online allows users to save content to One Drive The first time a user saves to One Drive, they must first allow World Book access to One Drive. This step can be permanently bypassed for every user in an organization if an administrator in the organization with one of the following roles is used to complete this process: Global Administrator, Application Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator. More information on Azure AD rules can be found here.

Allow access instructions

This can only be completed by an administrator in the organization with one of the following roles: Global Administrator, Application Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator. More information on Azure AD rules can be found here.

  1. In a supported application, begin by navigating to an article and selecting Save to One Drive from tools.
    one drive access
  2. A new tab will open with a Microsoft sign-in screen. The beginning of its URL should look as pictured. Enter your username then click Next.
    one drive access
  3. Enter your password then click Sign in.
    one drive access
  4. If this is your first time using the World Book "Save to One Drive" feature and you are logged in as one of the Azure roles mentioned above, the consent screen will have a box labeled "Consent on behalf of your Orginzation". You must check this box before pressing Accept.
    one drive access

    Note: this box will only appear on an administrators FIRST consent attempt - subsequent logins will not offer this option. In this case, admin consent must be granted via the Azure portal. If you are unsure about this step, please contact your organizations Azure administrator.

  5. If done correctly, a notification will appear indicating success and the newly opened tab will close, taking you back to World Book Online.
    one drive access