

The resources below are designed to accompany the Full Version of Wizard. Find lesson ideas, social media posts, and more.

Get Started with Wizard

Use these documents to help you get started with Wizard in the classroom or at home.

Wizard class code type in

Class code cards
Type in code

Wizard class code write in

Class code cards
Write in code

Wizard FAQ for educators

FAQs For Educators

Wizard FAQ for parents

FAQs For Parents

Wizard FAQ for students

FAQs For Students

Wizard in the classroom

Full Version Basics

Wizard in the classroom

Get started with Wizard in the classroom

Wizard at home

Get started with Wizard at home

Wizard as a student

How to access Wizard as a student

Wizard classes and assignments

How to join a class and access assignments

Wizard student account

How to use a student account

Wizard student account

How to use a student account
Black and white

Wizard teacher account

How to use a teacher account

Wizard teacher account

How to use a teacher account
Black and white

wizard class code type

Login cards
Type credentials

wizard class code write

Login cards
Write credentials

Wizard assignment basics

Wizard assignment basics

Promotional Material

Utilize this ready-made material to communicate with your users.

Avoid the Summer Slide - Wizard

Avoid the Summer Slide with Wizard
Social media post


Earn badges and rewards
Social media post


Looking for extra practice at home?
Social media post

Wizard study tool

Magical study tool
Social media post


Teachers are magicians
Social media post


Wizard flyer


Wizard letter to send home

Timely Topics

Examples and resoures to use with students and patrons by topic.

BHM Wizard

Black History Month

WHM Wizard

Women's History Month

AAPI Wizard

AAPI Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15th - October 15th

Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month
