How to

View reports
-Teacher account-

In the Full Version, teachers can access reports for classes they have created. Reports provide valuable insight into a student’s path towards mastery and allow teachers to monitor progress.We will be adding additional reports over the next few months. Details about these additional reports will be added below as they become available.

Access class reports

Reports are accessible by class.

  1. Select an existing class from your teacher dashboard.
    class dashboard
  2. Select Reports.

    Note: There must be students enrolled and something assigned for the Reports tab to appear.

    Reports tab

Class overview

The reports homepage shows the class overview- which displays each class roster. Use the top arrows to alter the roster view to alphabetical order by number of assignments complete.

Class roster

A complete assignment means a student has reached 100% proficiency. If a student is in the process of completing an assignment, but has not yet hit 100%, it will not count towards assignments complete.

In the example below- Megan has reached 100% proficiency on 4 out of 32 total assignments. You'll also see the total learning minutes, indicating how long a student has spent working in Wizard.

roster sample

To view more information beyond complete or incomplete, click on an individual's name. This will display each assignment and the individual's current status- proficiency and learning minutes.

roster sample
  • Not started indicates the student has not opened the assignment.
  • A proficiency below 100% indicates that the student is in the process of completing the assignment - they can return to continue from their current proficiency.
  • 100% proficiency means the student has completed the assignment.
  • Note : If an assignment contains an entire course, it will not show as complete until a student reaches 100% proficiency in all drills within the course.
    roster sample

Class proficiency report

The class proficiency report allows a teacher to monitor proficiency on all assignments for the entire class.

  1. Click the drop-down next to Generate Reports. Select Class Proficiency Report
    class dashboard
  2. This will download the report as a .csv file. Depending on your browser and download settings, this may open immediately or appear as a downloaded file to open.
    Reports tab
  3. Once inside the report, a teacher can see the student name, assignment title (this will only be different than drill title if the teacher changed it during assignment creation), drill title, proficiency, and date taken.
    Reports tab
  4. Once inside the report, a teacher can see the student name, assignment title (this will only be different than Drill title if the teacher changed it during assignment creation), drill title, proficiency, and date taken.
    Reports tab

    0% Proficiencyand N/A under date taken indicate that the student has not yet started the assignment.

    Anything between 1%-99% proficiency indicates the assignment is in progress. If the assignment is a single drill, the student has not reached proficiency in the drill.

    If the assignment is an entire course, which includes several drills (as shown below) a student might have achieved 100% proficiency on individual drills within the assignment- but the teacher will see a lower % because they have not yet completed the entire course.

    Reports tabReports tab

    Each time a teacher runs the report, data will update. Once a student has finished the entire course - The teacher will see 100% proficiency.

  5. TIP! Turn on filters to view individual aspects of this report such as one assignment.
    Reports tab
  6. When filters are on, small arrows will display next to each category. Click on one to reveal a list and use the boxes to select the data you wish to view.
    Reports tab

    Note: Multiple categories can be filtered at once.
