The World Book Dictionary is available wherever you are in Student. The dictionary contains more than 248,000 definitions that can be displayed.
Dictionary entries feature all the important elements typical of a comprehensive dictionary, including syllable indications, pronunciations, parts of speech, sentence examples, inflections, and singular and plural forms. Definitions are listed with the most commonly used meaning first.
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Users can also search for additional words in this overlay by typing them in the search bar.
Entries in the dictionary start with a pronunciation in brackets, such as [ihm PAWR tuhnt], the pronunciation for important.
The encyclopedia article Pronunciation Key explains the World Book pronunciation spelling system, and has a table of examples, each with audio of how the pronunciation should be said.
For hard-to-say words and phrases, some encyclopedia articles include in-text guides to pronunciation using audio. World Book has more than 8,500 of these pronunciations. They are spelled with ordinary letters, and each is accompanied by a sound icon. To hear the word pronounced, simply click or tap on the sound icon.