Live Homework Help is accessed from within Student. Follow the steps below to connect with a live tutor.
Access Live Homework Help by clicking on from the super homepage or
from your institutions website.
Log in to Student by clicking on from the super homepage or
from your institutions website.
Then click on Live Homework Help under Quick Links.
a. Pick a grade: use the drop-down menu and select your grade level.
b. Pick a subject: use the drop-down menu to choose the subject in which you need help.
c. Once you have selected a grade and subject, click get help now.
Note: If you are not already logged in to your My World Book Account, you will be prompted to login. Enter your username and password, then click Login.
If you are not already logged in to your My World Book Account you will be prompted to login. Enter your username and password, then click Login
If you do not have a My World Book Account, you need to create one. Click Create an account and follow the instructions. For step-by-step instructions on account creation, click here.
Once logged in to your account, the virtual classroom will open to connect you with a live tutor. Once they say something, your session has started. Type back to them and receive live help!
Once you finish your live tutoring session, don't forget to close out! To quit the session, simply click the arrow found in the top right corner of the chat box. When prompted, click OK to quit and end the session.