

There are multiple ways to search within the eBook library. Read below to find out the various ways to search and when to use each.

Search the library using keywords.

  1. Click the magnifying glass to open search.
  2. Type a keyword, then hit enter on the keyboard.

This searches the entire text of all books within the library and populates results. Results are displayed by relevance, both by title as well as the number of time the keyword appears within the book.
search results

Search the library using filters

  1. Click the magnifying glass to open search.
  2. Click the arrow to reveal filters.
  3. Select the desired filter(s).

Note: If a keyword search has not been conducted prior to filtering, this will filter the entire library for books matching the selected filters. If a keyword search has already been activated, the filters will further refine the list of keyword results to those matching the selected filters.

Search within a book

There are two ways to search within an eBook.

Type a word

  1. Open an eBook and click the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar.
    search tool
  2. Type the desired keyword in the search bar and hit enter. This searches the entire eBook for the keyword and displays a list of locations where the word appears within the text. To jump to a given location, click on the preview.
    search tool results

Highlight a word

  1. Select the highlighter tool.
  2. Highlight the word or phrase on the page that you wish to search, then click the magnifying glass in the highlighter toolbar.
    magnifying glass
  3. A list of other locations that the word appears within the book will display. To jump to a location, click on the preview text in the results menu.
  4. search