
Download MARC records

MARC records are machine readable cataloging records. We have MARC records for our eBooks and they are available to you.


MARC records for eBooks can be found in Account Tools.


Our MARC records for eBooks allow a user to search for titles and open them directly in Destiny, or other cataloging systems.

  1. Sign in to Account Tools.
  2. Select downloads.
  3. Select eBook MARC records.
    ebook marc records
  4. Follow the instructions on screen.

    Note: Each time you download MARC records, you are only downloading ones that have been updated or added since the last download.


    *If this is your first time downloading MARC records and the file fails to download, manually set the date to 1 year prior to today's date. If the problem persists, contact

    Note: We do not customize MARC records. Each MARC record comes as-is.
