
Advanced search

Advanced search offers several options beyond the basic search to refine results in Advanced.

Access advanced search

Select Advanced search on the homepage.
advanced search button

Search for words or a phrase

These advanced search options will filter the list of search results based on the selection made. Users can search by word or phrase, lexile level, date published, and more.

  1. Use the radio buttons to select the type of search.
    search option radio buttons
    • The Search for a Phrase option allows users to search for a specific phrase, such as "Trojan War." This option searches only for the exact search terms, and not for variations on the search term. For example, a searh for "Alamo" will only find articles that contain the word "Alamo."
    • The Search for All These Words option allows users to search for a group of words that are not necessarily a phrase. For example, if you were interested in the relationship between Greece and Turkey in ancient times, you could enter "Greece Turkey ancient" into the search box and select Search for all these words to find articles that contain all three terms.
    • The Search for Any of These Words option allows users to search for several different terms simultaneously.
    • The Search for Date option allows users to enter the month, date, and/or year, and content containing that date will be retrieved.

  2. Optional: Further refine the search by Lexile level. Click Search only Lexile measures if you are looking for any content from within a certain Lexile range.
    lexile level filter
  3. Type your search term(s) in the search field then click search.
    search bar

Browse options

Encyclopedia articles by subject

  1. Click the By subject icon to browse encyclopedia articles by subject.
    browse by subject button
  2. Select a category.
    select a category
  3. Further filter by subcategories.
    filter by subcategory

Browse Back in Time by year

Back in Time features World Book encyclopedia articles written and published in a World Book enyclopedia during the year listed. These provide a "you-are-there" account of historical events.

  1. Click By year to browse Back in Time articles.
    browse back in time button
  2. Choose a decade.
    choose a decade
  3. Choose a year.
    choose a year

Browse resource guides

Resource guides are an organized collection of sources from Advanced related to a given topic.

  1. Click By Subject to browse Resource Guides.
    browse resource guides button
  2. Choose a category.
    choose a category
  3. Further filter by subcategories.
    choose a subcategory

Lexile Measure search

The last type of search available from Advanced Search is the Lexile® Measure Search. This search allows you to input a Lexile® Measure span to look for articles by reading level.

  1. Select Lexile Measure Search. Enter the Lexile range you would like your article to be in. Click Go!
  2. The results will be every article that falls in that range. To alter your range, use the search box at the top of the page.
    lexile filter
  3. If you’d like your search to be more specific, use the Search for Words or a Phrase option and enter the Lexile range there.
    add search term