

Make World Book Online easy-to-access on individual devices using bookmarks, links, widgets, and graphics.

Links, Widgets, and Graphicss

Links, widgets, and graphics can be found in Account Tools.

  1. Sign in to Account Tools.
  2. Select Downloads.
  3. Select the desired option from the side menu.
    choose widgets
  4. You will only see graphics, links, and widgets for products that are included in your subscription. Follow the instructions on screen to create your shortcuts.


Create a shortcut for app-like access on an iPad.

  1. Visit
  2. Log in using the username and password provided by your school or library.
    Note: Sometimes this is your library card number.
  3. Check the box labeled remember my ID and password for faster login next time.
  4. Select the arrow up icon located in the top right corner of the browser.
  5. In the bottom row of the pop-up screen, select the add to home screen icon.
  6. We recommend shortening the name to World Book Online.
  7. Select add.


Bookmark products and add them to favorites for quick access.

  1. Visit
  2. Log in using the username and password provided by your school or library.
    Note: Sometimes this is your library card number.
  3. Check the box labeled remember my ID and password for faster login next time.
  4. Bookmark the page and add it to favorites.
  5. We recommend shortening the name to World Book Online or WBO before adding it to the bookmarks bar.


Pin the web page to your home screen on a Chromebook.

  1. Visit
  2. Log in using the username and password provided by your school or library.
    Note: Sometimes this is your library card number.
  3. Check the box labeled remember my ID and password for faster login next time.
  4. From the browser, choose More More tools Add to shelf.
  5. You can arrange the items on your shelf by clicking and dragging them.


Post a graphic, widget, or link on your institution's webpage.

  1. Click on the links below or visit Account Tools.
  2. We recommend displaying icons for each individual product so they are easy to find by level.